Proxima Centauri b Analysis

Read about this Tool

See orbit - Solar System Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (dwarf planet), Eris (dwarf planet)
Moons: The Moon, Phobos, Deimos, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus, Miranda, Nereid
Various: Halley's Comet, Proxima Centuari d, Proxima Centuari b, Gliese 667 Cc, TRAPPIST-1d, Custom Orbit
Diagram of the orbit with the body being orbitted shown as a dot within the ellipse.

Sun at Average Distance *

1.69 ° Visible Diameter
316 % Average Sun Visual Diameter

Total Solar Irradiance

66.5 % Earth Average Solar Power (Solar Constant)
904.53 W/m2

* Average Distance
using Semi-Major Axis

DISCLAIMER: No warranty is given about the accuracy of these results, or the accuracy of the information on this page, use this information at your own risk.

Proxima Centauri b

Classification: Planet
Constellation: Centaurus
Distance: 4.2465 Light years Analysis System

Orbital Period

11.2 days, 0.031 years

Surface Gravity (at mean Radius)

Eccentricity: 0.109
Data input Source: Wikipedia
Xalyse Analysis System by: RL / JL
Apoastron: 0.05385 AU, 8056300.1 km
Periastron: 0.04327 AU, 6472645.1 km

Proxima Centauri at Apoastron
1.53 ° Visible Diameter
285 % Average Sun Visual Diameter

Apoastron Total Solar Irradiance

54 % Earth Average Solar Power (Solar Constant)
735.46 W/m2

Proxima Centauri at Periastron
1.9 ° Visible Diameter
355 % Average Sun Visual Diameter

Periastron Total Solar Irradiance

83.7 % Earth Average Solar Power (Solar Constant)
1139.38 W/m2


DISCLAIMER: No warranty is given about the accuracy of these results, or the accuracy of the information on this page, use this information at your own risk.

DISCLAIMER: No warranty is given about the accuracy of these results, or the accuracy of the information on this page, use this information at your own risk.

Additional Notes:
Proxima Centauri - Planet b
Semi Major Axis: 0.04856 +- 0.00030 AU
Eccentricity:0.109 (+0.076-0.068)
Orbital Period: 11.1868 days (+0.0029−0.0031 days)

Additional Information

Semi-Major Axis: 7264472.6 km, 0.049 AU
Semi-Minor Axis: 7221189.1 km, 0.04827 AU, 99.4 % of Semi-Major-Axis
Eccentricity: 0.109, Linear Eccentricity: 791827.5 km, 0.00529 AU

DISCLAIMER: No warranty is given about the accuracy of these results, or the accuracy of the information on this page, use this information at your own risk.


This tool allows you to see the orbit of specific planets, moons and comets.

Click a link in the "See orbit" section at the top of the page, or go to the Space Section to see other orbits.

For planets the orbit around the sun is shown.

For moons, the orbit around the planet is shown.

The following data is sourced from Wikipedia for various planets, moons and comets:

  • Semi-major axis *
  • Eccentricity
  • Orbital period
  • Host star radius
  • Host star luminosity
  • Mass
  • Mean radius
  • Equatorial radius
  • Atmosphere Composition

From this data this tool calculates things such as:

  • The orbital diagram
  • Apoapsis / aphelion
  • Periapsis / perihelion
  • Visible Diameters of host star (e.g Sun visible diameter) at different positions of orbits
  • Total solar irradiance at different positions of orbits
  • Surface gravity at mean radius or equatorial radius
  • Equivalent heights to produce the same falling speed on Earth
  • Falling time for specific heights
  • Falling speed for specific heights

* Io and Europa semi-major axis simply calculated from average of periapsis and apoapsis.

If you have any questions about this tool or find it useful we would like to hear from you.

Contact Us

Created by: RL / JL
Last Updated: 2023/06/03

DISCLAIMER: The tools on this website are designed to be highly accurate, but we cannot and will not be held responsible should any inaccuracy occur.

Use this tool, or the information on this page, or any of the information on this website at your own risk.

No warranty is given about the accuracy of the results, or the accuracy of the information on this page.