
Space and Physics Related Tools (on this website)

Explore Space and Science (Xalyse Project)

Space Related Articles

Space Related Features

Links to other useful pages on this website:

Other space related tools links are explained in further detail on this page, such as closest stars, planet / moon analysis tools.

NASA Tools

About this Page and the Other Tools

This page contains a list of links to analysis of various planets and moons in the solar system, on this website, as well as specific exoplanets of interest. Lower down on the page there is a list of various scientific tools and calculators we have made available. These tools are currently free to use and are designed for engineers, scientists and educators, or anyone interested in space exploration and related concepts.

You may also be interested in the list of space related and Mars related websites, which are a useful to reference to easily check up on what various companies are doing on their websites and social media. Please consider bookmarking any pages you may find useful, or linking to them from other websites.

Closest Stars

List of closest stars ordered by distance, with the ability to move in 3D around closest stars. Astronomical information for each star including distance, magnitude, and Wikipedia pages links.

Planet, Moon and Exoplanet Analysis

Click on any of the links below to see analysis of these planets, moons, comets or exoplanets.

Analysis includes surface gravity, orbital period, visual, size comparison to Earth orbital diagram, solar radation at upper atmosphere, links to Wikipedia pages, and NASA 3D view of object.

Analysis / Orbit Analysis

Solar System Planets

Moon Analysis / Orbit Analysis

Earths Moon

Jupiter's Moons

Mars' Moons

Other Moons


Use the links below to see the analysis of the specific exoplanet.

Proxima Centuri

Proxima Centauri is a red dward star, and is our closest star. It is 4.2 light years away, and is visually in the sky at the position of Alpha Centauri, and has two known planets. (It is part of a three star system that appears as one star when we look at it with normal eye sight).

The 3D position of Proxima Centuari to our sun can be seen using the Xalyse closest stars analysis tool. See: Proxima Centauri (Wikipedia)

Gliese 667 C

Gliese 667 C is a red dwarf star that is about 23 light-years away, in the constellation of Scorpius, having 2 known planets. potentially habitable planets. One of the planets, Gliese 667 Cc is in the habitable zone. See: Gliese 667 C Wikipedia


TRAPPIST-1 is a ultracool dwarf star, about 40.7 light years away, in the constellation of Aquarius, with seven known exoplanets. One of the planets, TRAPPIST-1d, lies on the inner edge of the habitable zone of the star. See: TRAPPIST-1 Wikipedia

Comet Analysis / Orbit Analysis

Vector Tools