Rocket Engine Isp Analyser

This tool analyses a specific impulse value for a rocket engine.

It can be used for rocket engine analysis, including quantifying fuel efficiency for rocket engines of a given specific impulse value.

The Delta-V Calculator is also useful for specifying exact mass changes at a specific exhaust velocity to calculate delta-v.

Enter in the Isp (Specific Impulse) Value

Isp: 327 seconds

Exhaust Velocity

3.207 km/s  11544 km/h, 7173 mph, 3207 m/s

Propellant Usage

Propellant used every second per 1 (metric) ton of force:
3.06 kg/s, 6.74 lb/s
Propellant used every second per 1 kg of force:
0.00306 kg/s, 0.00674 lb/s

Delta-V Analysis

Delta-V achieved for 10 % mass of vehicle expelled at exhaust velocity:
0.34 km/s, 1216.3 km/h, 755.8 mph, 337.9 m/s

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC)

0.311839820482547 kg/s/kN, 0.687489240551694 lb/s/kN
One metric ton of Force is: 9.80665 kN (at standard gravity)

Delta-V Table for Vehicle Mass Change

% of Total Initial Mass
at Exhaust Velocity
0 % 0 km/s 0 km/h 0 mph 0 m/s
10 % 0.34 km/s 1216.3 km/h 755.8 mph 338 m/s
20 % 0.72 km/s 2576.1 km/h 1600.7 mph 716 m/s
30 % 1.14 km/s 4117.6 km/h 2558.6 mph 1144 m/s
40 % 1.64 km/s 5897.2 km/h 3664.3 mph 1638 m/s
50 % 2.22 km/s 8002 km/h 4972.2 mph 2223 m/s
60 % 2.94 km/s 10578 km/h 6572.9 mph 2938 m/s
70 % 3.86 km/s 13899.1 km/h 8636.5 mph 3861 m/s
80 % 5.16 km/s 18580 km/h 11545.1 mph 5161 m/s
90 % 7.38 km/s 26581.9 km/h 16517.2 mph 7384 m/s


The tools on this website are designed to be highly accurate, but we cannot and will not be held responsible should any inaccuracy occur.

Use this tool or any of the tools on this website at your own risk.

No warranty is given about the accuracy of the results.


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Created by: RL / JL
Last updated: 2023/07/25