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free online ready to use scientific analysis tools
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Planets, moons and exoplanets analyzed
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This website focuses on space related tools, related to planets, moons and stars analysis, various space science tools allowing complex calculations to be done quickly by choosing specific inputs, and getting detailed outputs.

This site is intended to be used by scientists, engineers, educators and the general public.

Xalyse is our term that we created to describe the kind of analysis tools currently available for you to use on this website. It can be considered to mean to analyse, eXplain or eXtract information about something.

For example, once key parameters about a planet or moon is known, its surface gravity can be calculated, as can its escape velocity, the visual size of how big the object would appear at a specific distance away, the shape of its orbit can be displayed and so on. The tools on this website do these things and much more.

The articles on this website are designed to be both interesting and informative to all people interested in space science and space exploration.

Tools on this Website

The following analysis tools are freely available on this website:

Planet, moon and comet analysis tools which analyse the properties and orbits of the solar system planets, some of the moons and comets, and exoplanets. The analysis tools: analyse the gravity, the orbital ellipse shape, year length (orbital period), the visual diameter of the host star, escape velocity, solar radiation in space at different orbit positions, and other properties.

This data and analysis is useful to establish conditions on these planets or Moons, especially if bases were built there or even to know what life might be like there, and specific properties of the environment that are useful such as the solar power available in space, the escape velocity (more efficient launches from the surface), and even how big the host star would appear compared to our own sun.

We have currently analysed 24 space objects (planets, moons, exoplanets, comets, asteroids) and you can see these analysis results. Such comprehensive analysis for these objects, especially some of the exoplanets may not be found anywhere else for these objects.

The mach from mach angle calculator calculates the mach that a vehicle is moving at, based on the angle of the shockwave relative to the vehicle. This is useful to calculate how fast a vehicle is moving, simply be looking at a photo of a fast moving object, that is producing a visible shockwave and measuring the shockwave angle.

Delta-v calculator and requirement tables calculates delta-v and space based velocity change for a certain mass change for propellant use at a specific engine exhaust velocity (for example in a rocket or spacecraft). It also includes tables of the Delta-v (required) for specific maneuvers in space, such as for delta-v to LEO, The Moon, and Mars are also on the Delta-v calculator page.

The delta-v tool is also useful for comparing current and future engine designs based on, as the efficiency of a spacecraft's engine with regard to how much velocity change it can achieve in space with a given mass of fuel is directly related to the exhaust velocity of the engine.

The equivalant metric which also describes exhaust velocity but in a different form, is the specific impulse. Knowing the specific impulse of an engine allows you to know the exhaust velocity of the engine, and knowing the exhaust velocity of the engine allows yout to know the specific impulse.
This tool also converts from exhaust velocity to specific impulse (and displays the result), while the Isp analyser also converts from specific impulse to exhaust velocity.

Delta-v propellant calculator calculates the propellant needed for a specific maneuver, based on the delta-v required.
This tool also converts from exhaust velocity to specific impulse (and displays the result)

Isp analyser which analyses the performance and capabilities of different Isp (specific impulse) rocket engines.

The Xalyse conversion tool which converts various lengths (distances), converts various speeds to various useful metric, imperial, and space related metrics, such as AU, LD, light years, light-seconds, and parsecs.
See a table of distances that can be converted by clicking on the distance.

Closest stars - List of stars within 10 light years from Earth, ordered by distance, with 3D view of closest stars, displaying: name of each star, the distance from the Earth in light years (ly), the astronomical coordinates, number of known planets for each star, the visual magnitude, the absolute magnitude, links to the Wikipedia articles for each star where available.

Centrifugal force spin rate calculator calculates the spin rate required (for example on a space station) at a specific distance away from the center, to produce a given equivalent artifical gravity.

EMR Power at Distance calculates the solar power (or electromagnetic radiation) in space available at a specific distance from a light / radio source, based on the power level of the source and the distance from it.

This tool can be useful to calculate radio signal strength at a distance away in space, or the solar power available at a specific place in the solar system based on the distance from the sun.

Both of these relate to the recieved radiation power that is being received per square meter at the distance away from the source.

The angle with distance tool converts an angle and a distance into an X, Y coordinate in a standard (cartesian) coordinate system.

The Air density tool calculates gets the air density at a specific altitude. This is useful for dynamic pressure calculations, where the air density at a specific altitude must be known to get the dynamic pressure for the given velocity.


On this website you will find the following space exploration related articles:

Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) colorised topographic map of Mars (Western Hemisphere), Image credit: Courtesy NASA / JPL-Caltech / Arizona State University
Image credit: Courtesy NASA / JPL-Caltech / Arizona State University

Interesting and easy to indentify locations on Mars

Information about the interesting features on Mars, with the size of various features (also visually compared), coordinates, images of the features, and other useful information. Read more.

The Moon, showing names of locations. Image credit: Author: Peter Freiman, Cmglee. Background photograph by: Gregory H. Revera. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Image credit: Author: Peter Freiman, Cmglee, Background photograph by: Gregory H. Revera.
Original background photograph: Author: Gregory H. Revera. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Image sourced from Wikipedia.

Current and future exploration of the Moon

This article covers the significance of exploration of the Moon, a Moon map, helium-3 on the Moon, locations of key craters and mare with dimensions, and links to Wikipedia pages for each feature, gravity on the moon, daylight on the Moon, resources, air, water (recent findings relating to water on the moon), solar power, lava tubes, JAXA SLIM, Chandrayaan-3 (ISRO), links to various other online exploration tools. Read more.

Informational Resources

Upcoming space related dates provides a list of upcoming space related dates of interest relating to space exploration or space science. Wikipedia, and website links are provided for the mission, as well as for the company. It also shows how many days remain until the event.

Explore Space and Science Website

Explore Space and Science is a project we created to produce high quality, easy to understand, space and science related material.

Explore Space and Science was launched in May 2024.
It includes high resolution Mars maps, spacecraft and missions of interest, and other resources.

Explore Space and Science Homepage and Resources

June, 2024: The developer of these tools is currently looking to support and do work for new clients:

I'm keen to work with all industries, my long term goals involve working with more clients involved in space related fields, education, health, environmental causes relating to protecting and improving the natural environment (land or sea), or clients working on projects that can improve the quality of life for people.

You can read more about my skillset here. Please contact me if you think you may have a project I could potentially assist with. I have time available, and would value the opportunity to work with you, your team or organisation. We can arrange a zoom meeting also, to discuss your project in more detail.

More about the Xalyse Conversion Tool

The Xalyse tool on the homepage focuses on length, distance, and speed conversions.

As inputs it can take any common distance, length, or speed, and convert them to various other useful units of measurement, writing out the results in an easy to understand way.

Large numbers

Many times we come across large distances that are hard to intuitively understand. This tool allows these numbers to be expressed in more meaningful terms, such as in lunar distances, AU (astronomical units), light seconds (the distance light travels in a second), light years or parsecs.

At other times we come across numbers like 4.26 light years (the distance to our closest star), and we don't have an intuitive understanding of how far that is. This tool can express that number in other units.

Signal Time

Within our solar system we can look up the distances to planets, moons or satellites, and then input those distances into the Xalyse Conversion Tool to see how long a signal will take to travel. If we know the distance to Mars for example we can calculate the communications delay that would occur by using this tool, by looking at the distance value conversion as light seconds, which this tool provides.

A distance value in light seconds, is the number of seconds light (or radio), will take to travel that distance.

The average distance to Mars is about 225 000 000 km or 140 000 000 miles from Earth. As you can see by clicking on this link, that is a distance of 750 light seconds, meaning a radio signal would take 750 seconds (12.5 minutes) to reach Mars from Earth.

About the Developer

The developer of these tools on this website has 15+ years experience, in developing websites and internet based solutions, with a BSc in Computer Science, currently specialising in C# ASP.NET, MS SQL Server databases, and mobile compatible HTML5 with CSS (and Javascript), can program in Python also.

I'm passionate about Space Exploration, and strongly believe in the necessity of prioritising resources to have settlements on other planets and the Moon as soon as possible, as well as promoting education in the field of Space and its related sciences. I have a good general knowledge and familiarity with much of the science and physics principles relating to space exploration, and good general knowledge the Moon, Mars and the Solar System.

I can update websites, add features, create analysis tools, provide detailed reports of your data, and many other things. Please feel free to ask if I can do what your project requires.

I have a strong background in mathematics and calculus, good understanding of physics, and competent in various methods of visualisation of data. Competent in writing fast, efficient complex queries in SQL, with stored procedures, and 10+ years industry experience with databases, specialising in SQL Server.

I can also create in-depth focused reports with Google Analytics 4, analysing many key metrics, to assist you with understanding user behaviour on your website, including top landing pages, top exit pages, number of views per session, which pages get the most views or users, quantifying social media visitors and advertising from platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Can provide location based reports visits and reports data, showing reports with visitors only within a certain city, or country. These reports can be explained over a zoom session.

Experienced with C++ and writing IOT projects using (Arduino Uno / Mega) microcontrollers, using sensors (light, temperature, humidity, air quality, ultrasonic distance detection), accelerometers, RGB LED lights, robotics (rover chassis, servo motors). Making IOT projects that can report real world sensor information to the internet or websites, or receive commands via the internet from websites.

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If you would like to suggest something, or have any feedback, or notice any issues with the tools on our site, please contact us. If you would like talk to us about potentially working on a project, please also contact us.

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